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Dreams for a Lifetime series

This series of four illustrations was based on poems I wrote, which talk about time, love, dreams and fantasies.
The illustrations were created digitally.





Worked areas:





2. Viagem pela imaginacao-min.jpg
1. A vida que passa-min.jpg
3. Ilusao do coracao-min.jpg

Fly time


Fly time

With your scent, passenger

Run the train, the dream, the feather

And write with eyes closed

What no one saw on the other side


Child's hand

That touches and warms,

Boy look,

That stops and doesn't forget


Your eyes, your way

Of a simple being,

Of a perfect moment.

tell me if it's gone

Or, who knows, one day,

It will be.

With eyes closed


In the eyes I lose

The world that goes far

In the clouds, in the mountains, in the ships

In castles and elephants.


The breeze smiles, with a taste of the sun

close my eyes

And rules the melodies

Strange, distant melodies

Soft, fleeting, itinerant.


In the eyes that close

the sky to sail

Packed with memories,

With what is yet to come.


I have no hurry,

let me stay

Sooner or later,

I know he will arrive.



It was a distant tale,

Impossible and sweet.

Dew serene

Of hidden smiles.


It was a day like any other

a simple gesture

That no one else has seen.


It was a childhood dream

A love story

A little piece of maybe

From a faraway will be.


And one day, suddenly,

it was the truth

With eyes wide open

Right there, so close.


On this day she danced,

Danced like butterflies

Who forget about time, everything.


And there were no longer walls
between sky and sea

Between earth and air,

dream or fantasy

What was written or imagined.

Take my look


If one day gone

many others will come

Well, don't cry

Do not cry in vain.


A dream that grows

One day you forget,

Springs in distant times

Spreading roses and forget-me-nots.


And where to go

Take my look.

Look for me in unknown lands

Blue seas and starry skies,

Deserts or rocks.


Walking or flying,

sleeping or dreaming

take my look with you

inside the heart,

Inside an old secret.


Let me look into your lost corners,

Fears and hopes.

even without knowing

My eyes will walk across the sky,

Wherever you go.

4. Eu sempre estarei la-min.jpg
2. Viagem pela imaginacao-min.jpg
1. A vida que passa-min.jpg
3. Ilusao do coracao-min.jpg
4. Eu sempre estarei la-min.jpg





esboço 1-min.jpg
Ilustra 4 - esboço-min.jpg
Ilustra 3-esboço-min.jpg
Ilustra 2 esboço-min.jpg

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