centenary of 1922 modern art week
Project created for the competition promoted by the Department of Culture and Tourism of Barueri, whose theme was "Centenary of the Week of 22".
In the poster, I used elements and colors that referred to Brazilianness, which was one of the ideals sought by modernist artists. In the background, I inserted the Antropófago manifest, launched by the modernists.
In the center, in addition to the Municipal Theater, where the modern art week of 22 took place, I illustrated some of the main artists who participated in the event: Mário de Andrade, Anita Malfatti, Oswald de Andrade and Di Cavalcanti. Below, on the left, Ronald de Carvalho, reading the poem "Os Sapos", by Manuel Bandeira, and on the right, Villa Lobos.
Personal project
Worked areas:
Graphic design